Sally Katary Memorial Lectures
The Society hosts an annual Lecture in memory of one of its former members, Dr. Sally L.D. Katary, who passed away in 2016. This is a fund raising event in aid of the Sally L.D. Katary Travel Scholarship.
Recent lectures have been recorded as virtual events held online. Current members have the option to view those lectures that are online by logging in to the Members' area.
2024 JUNE 1, Ipm EASTERN TIME. A Hybrid Event
'The Grand Egyptian Museum'
Dr. Eltayeb Abbas (Assistant Minister for Archaeological Affairs at the Grand Egyptian Museum and Professor of Egyptology at Minya University).
2023 JUNE 10, 1pm EST. A Hybrid Event
'The Pyramid of Sahura at Abusir - New Perspectives'
Dr. Mohamed Ismail Khaled (Würzburg University; Director of the Abusir Project)
'Women’s Work: Public and Private Power in Ancient Egypt'
Dr Jean Li (Toronto Metropolitan University)
'Gaining New Perspectives on the Hypostyle Hall at Karnak: The Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) - University of Memphis Project at Karnak'
Prof. Jean Revez (UQAM) and Prof. Peter Brand (University of Memphis)
If you wish to make a donation towards the Sally L.D. Katary Travel Scholarship, you can do at any time. Please click here to find out how to help.